Thursday, February 13, 2014

Luca's upcoming surgery

Luca is going to be having surgery on his left foot this coming Tuesday morning. Dr. Mosca is going to be doing a procedure that takes a bit of bone out of his heel and he will cut some of the tendons and ligaments on the other side of the foot to correct the foot position. He thinks Luca is at a great age for it and will help his foot grow stiff and straight; instead of stiff and curved (as it currently is.) Dr. Mosca thinks this will really help correct the left foot and that Luca won't need to have surgery for a long time after this. (let's hope right!) 
For the surgeryLuca will stay overnight in the hospital and be non weight bearing for 6 weeks. Then he will have a walking cast on that foot for two more weeks. Dr. Mosca does not want to do anymore serial casting as we did when Luca was younger. He thinks it is a waste of everyone's time and won't be useful anymore.
We will have a wheelchair for after the surgery until he is in a walking cast.

Things I am thankful for:

That we already have a van!

For such an amazing community around us that is wrapping us in care, love, prayers and support as we go into this surgery.

That my parents are here as we will need a lot of extra care for Juliette during this time and for Luca. For extra breaks and hands to help John and I.

For supportive preschools that are willing and able to having him back during the time is is non weight bearing

That John and I can both take time off work to be with Luca during this time and with each other

For Juliette as she can bring a lot of joy and laughter to Luca when he is sad.

That he does not need this done on the right foot and can use that leg to stand on or his right knee and hand together when he is sitting on the floor, drawing, playing or eating.

Things to be praying about:

For Luca as he goes through this experience. That he would not be discouraged or depressed about it and not being able to walk afterwards. i am praying that he feels loved and supported by us and others as well!

That the surgery would go smoothly and there would not be any complications or infection.

For patience, energy, and strength as John and I we care for Luca during this time

Luca loving the snow fall last Sat. night before bed! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    Grandpa told me about Luca's upcoming surgery. We will all be thinking about you guys and praying for him. He is such a tough little guy!!! Love you! Jen
