Friday, March 28, 2014

Good-bye Popeye

My dad is flying back to Germany tomorrow (hopefully as he is flying stand by) to lead a trip of high school students from BFA and the German High school to Romania. They are going to work together to construct a medical clinic/school. We are excited for him to lead this trip, and to see Betsy and Eric, but we will be missing him in Seattle.
We have all enjoyed getting to hang out with Popeye and Luca especially has had a very meaningful time with Popeye these last many weeks post surgery, with some special one on one time. We are so grateful that he has been here to be apart of our lives! Thanks again for your energy, encouragement, and care for the kids Dad!
Thankfully my mom will be staying here in Seattle during the Romania trip!

 Come back and play baseball soon Popeye! from Luca...and I am going to miss the whip cream.....

last few days in the cast

We are counting down the days maybe the hours of Luca's long leg cast coming off. We are on the home stretch but it feels like sometimes that last last mile in the marathon is the hardest part right? Well, I am feeling that way right now. We are almost there but these last days are tough! Yesterday, I made the terrible mistake of trying to do the day like I did when Luca was walking...what was I thinking. (too many activities, went to the Pet store, toy store with my dad and Juliette and Luca, visited Luca at school with Juliette, not enough rest time and Juliette didn't nap.) Learned my lesson, won't do that again. Thankfully my parents were here to help too. Can't wait till Monday afternoon!!!

One cool story: The other day I came up the stairs in the morning to find Luca in the kitchen with his hand splints and AFO on sitting in his wheel chair....does this kid have superpowers or what? Questions race through my mind. How did he get out of bed? Into his wheel chair? And wheel himself to the kitchen with his hand splints on? I made him tell me about it.
He said, "well, it took me while...I rolled out of my bed...scooted to my wheelchair, held my wheel chair with one arm so it wouldn't roll away from me and pushed with my one leg and pulled with my arm over the chair and rolled myself in to the chair. Then I used my foot to roll myself forward because I have these hand splints on....oh, I also dropped a letter for a friend, that I wedged between the wall and my toes in my AFO and squeezed my toes down to hold the letter tight then I brought the letter to my mouth and got it onto my lap."
"wow" I said, "that is incredible"
I am not sure my words describe the situation very well, but Luca never stops surprising me with his creative adaptions to make things that seem impossible, possible for him!

I am slowly learning to never say never with Luca pertaining to him having arthrogyposis or even this long leg cast.

A few highlights of the week...Amy and Gus taking Luca to the aquarium all afternoon!!! Thank you Amy!
Another highlight my dad taking Luca on errands, buying him a baseball bat and a ball and then watching Luca play hit the ball in his wheel chair 10 times in a row! Again, never say never with this kid. And what a special time with Popeye!
My mom was reading him Little House on the Prairie last night and Luca got such a kick out of this song:
"Old Dan Tucker was a fine old man;
 He washed his face in a the frying pan,
He combed his hair with a wagon wheel,
And felt the toothache in his heel.
Git out of the way for Old Dan Tucker.
He's too late to get his supper.
Supper's over and the dishes washed,
 Nothing left but a piece of squash.
Old Dan Tucker went to town,
riding a mule, leading a houn'"

He just laughed and laughed....and asked my mom to sing it for John as soon as John came home from work.

Thank you to all of those who have visited, bought or sent cards, or gifts, or come to visit! These things have all be HUGELY helpful during post surgery 6 weeks!!!!

Luca playing with his favorite thing...mud

 Came out of his room scooting his animals behind him.

 Playing with clay from Auntie Cindy!!! Thank You!
 blowing bubbles by himself! Thank you Phil and Holle for the bubbles and gifts!

Juliette enjoying a 60 degree sunny day...what does she do, while Luca plays with the dirt? She strips and runs around...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Science projects, rocket ships and smiles

Jen brought over some really cool science projects the other day for Luca, Ezra and Silas to do together! It was awesome! Here are a few pictures of the explosions. This is what happens when Diet Coke and Mentos meet.

Then the next day we went over to our friend, Vanessa's house and she had gotten the biggest box ever to turn into a rocket ship. Her son, Luca and my son Luca,  and her twins, Tristan and Alexean (sp) painted and set the ship up to the moon. They pretended to be astronaut dogs and fought off aliens together:) So fun! While I got to enjoy a beautiful run by the sound! Thank you Vanessa! I wish I had pictures of it!

Then here are a few pictures of some happy moments I have had with Juliette while Luca was at school and while he was at a great musical concert with Popeye!

This is Juliette with her new birthday presents, a food cutting set and coffee pot from Popeye and Nana. She loves to make you a good cup of coffee with a snack! She is also showing off her new PJ's that zip up the back so she cannot get out of them at night. We prefer when she keeps her clothes and diaper on! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Luca's recasting

Luca, John and I went to Children's Hospital this morning for Luca to get the cast changed in the operating room. We arrived at 10 am, waited till about 11:30 am and then John went in to the OR with Luca as he fell asleep. Luca was pretty calm about it all this morning but certainty did not want to being there. Luca really wanted to see Dr. Mosca before the surgery and was able to do that. Luca smiled the most this morning during that short visit with Dr. Mosca.  Luca was finished with the recasting about 12:30 pm and then came out into recovery at 1pm. He was sad when he first got to us, but got some pain medication and watched the IPAD till 2 pm. I asked Luca if his foot felt better after he got IV morphine. Luca said, "ya, it worked"
We got home about 3 pm and he is watching some Curious George. Luca will be in the long leg cast for four more weeks. He has an appointment on March 31st to get his short leg walking cast! And April 14th (the day before his birthday) to get his short cast off. Luca is excited to be cast free again for his birthday! We will all be glad, thanks for your support in this journey.